Who are Katie's Jumping Fleas?
​We are an entertaining ukulele band formed in 2013 and based in St Albans UK. We focus on having fun and spreading joy to everyone including ourselves.​ The band is available for private hire - parties, weddings, or any special celebration for a modest fee.
The Fleas love playing together, if you’ve seen us play, I’m sure you know this. Gigs are always fun, if sometimes fraught with madness and mayhem, and that’s just in the audience 😉. One of the main reasons we all invest time and energy in rehearsing and performing is so that we can support the local, regional, and national charities for which we feel a particular affinity.

Some honourable mentions
Thank you to everyone that has made a donation to our coffers, who has hired us to play at their gig, or who has chucked money in our buckets when we’ve been out busking – we couldn’t have made any of these donations without you.
The Fleas have played a key part in helping to raise over £60k for charity in the 12 years we have been together, and have directly donated over £35,000 to our chosen charities in that time.
Thanks also to:
Katie, our illustrious ex-leader who has moved away up north and no longer plays with us
Pat, our super percussionist who also moved - to Norfolk
Greg, our one-time-tempo-meister ex of the cajon
Martin and Paul, our friends who are both sadly departed and much missed..